


    The ability to assess and initiate things independently:

    At The Core Initiative, we believe teachers deserve support uncovering and rediscovering their autonomy and genius!


    The power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do:

    At The Core Initiative, we believe teachers should be empowered to take the initiative!


    An act or strategy intended to resolve a difficulty or improve a situation; a fresh approach to something:

    At The Core Initiative, we believe teachers should be supported in developing "soft skills" to identify and manage conflict, re-evaluate perspectives and find innovative solutions to their challenges.


    A proposal made by one nation to another in an attempt to improve relations:

    At The Core Initiative, we believe teachers should receive training to improve relationships in all directions (teacher-to-parent, teacher-to-administrator, teacher-to-student, teacher-to-teacher, and more!).


    An activity with the aim to engage participants in the initiation of emotional or behavioral action towards achieving a goal in the field of experiential education:

    At The Core Initiative, we believe teachers should receive support developing their emotional intelligence, and training in these areas should be an experience, unlike any other professional development opportunity they have had! Long-lasting. Meaningful. Memorable. FUN!


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